Well. What can I say about this. Oh, I know, MUSE-STEP. This is something i'm really looking forward to, only because I loved the old
Muse but now I am dumb founded. The whole dub step genre alone can, in my opinion, only be handled in small doses. With this, i'm going to be straight up and as brutally honest as I can.
Muse will be releasing an album due out on October the 1st, called
The 2nd Law (Review will be up when released), and from hearing their first track
Survival, one is to question the quality of what this album will be. Unfortunately the old riffs, catchy drum beat and beautiful bass lines has all gone, instead we have, like I have said MUSE-STEP.
The words I describe this song, are Horrid, Horrible, Disgraceful, Crap, Terrible, Trash, this list can go on and on. Dub-Step, is suppose to be a genre you relate to slow beats with heavy drops. But this. This is just piss poor. They say that all inspiration for the track I am reviewing is the dub-step king, Skrillex. Fair enough for inspiration but not this. Why does a band, who 4 years ago were known as the best live act ever and had 4 albums that you could listen too back to back, think they have to sell out and make them more popular. This doesn't give them the need to do dub-step.
Okay, to the song.
The 2nd Law: Unsustainable, is the 12th track of their new album and by the sound of the song, it is the 1st of a two part song. The song starts of with very quick strings setting a scene, being very orchestral. Although this is a majority of the first minute of the half with the vocals, well, you cant classify it as vocals as it is a news reporter reading headlines of certain stories (assuming they were made up and filmed by Matthew Bellamy), then once the reports are finished all music stops and you hear, a robot saying the word
Unsustainable with the guitar kicking in and drums having a constant beat and the bass being very basic, causing it too sound like dub-step. Then once the dub-step faze stops it is just goes to a normal paced drum beat and base mixed in with the strings and you can hear Matthew Bellamy's voice just singing constantly. Then, once he has had his moment it turns it to UNSUSTAINABLE with the almighty and powerful (sarcasm) dub-step returns.
So with that why don't I like this song? Simple, listen to it, its just in short horrible. I cant stress this enough. I gave the other
Muse song a 1 out of 5, and now looking back on it I think i was too harsh, cause at the time it was probably the worst
Muse song I have ever heard, but now, this is the worst
Muse song to ever be written.
I am going to plug the song, only because even though it is in all honesty brutally crap, you have to listen to it for yourself.
The 2nd Law: Unsustainable will be released with the album and is only available on YouTube.
By Dylan
Unsustainable -